deutsche Version
Off the Silk Road
Art and Culture from Central Asia
Artists and Personalities
post-colonialism, desert, transformation, tradition, beauty, post modernity, nature, myth, modernity, marginalisation, power, emptiness, Islam, identity, borderline experience, globalisation, history, remembrance, movement for democracy, bureaucracy, anxiety
Attempts at Orientation
Culture or Business
Symbols of Power

Viacheslav Akhunov, "The sand of forgetting" (sand installation art)
Shaarbek Amankulov and Lizzy Mayrl, "Living Time" (video installation art)
Essays on the "state of the art" in post-Soviet times

Text Valeria Ibrayeva
Fathers and Sons
Text Sergey Maslov
The Walking Dead
Text Akhmedova Nigora
The Uzbek Post-Modern