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Home/Programme/Program 2002/Details
Migrating sounds in and out of Europe
21.06.2002 00:00
Zitty, spex,, ARTE, taz, Radio multikulti, WOM World of Music
Pilsner Urquellinstitut francais Bureau de la Musique FrancaiseAFAAAmbassade de Francemondomix.orgBerliner Fenster
globalisation, identity, pop-culture, tradition
Susheela Raman
Bapi das Baul
Popdeurope is the new summer music festival at the House of World Cultures. It aims to provide a platform presenting the musical diversity of Europe’s pop cultures and showing their relationship to musical traditions and developments in other continents. Popdeurope looks at Europe, and from there at the world.

Popdeurope wants to show the changes our concept of pop undergoes each year. The festival broadens the customary framework of the pop festival as a casually organised series of live concerts to include workshops, films, lectures, discussions and work with children.

21 June to 31 August 2002

Popdeurope creates focal points by exploring the musical universes of individual artists, examining the programmes of other European festivals and getting artists to work together under its roof.

Concept and management: Björn Döring

per concert evening (always 2 concerts)
15,- €
reduced: 11,- €
children up to 10 years: admission free
children 10 to 16 years: 5,- €

Weekend ticket:
22,- €
(28. + 29.06., 02. + 03.08., and – attention! – 10. + 18.08. + 31.08.)

Festival-pass for all concerts:
50,- €

Owners of a popdeurope-ticket get reduced admission (3,- €) to the Trompete.

Author: Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Contact: Gabriele Tuch