Geeta Kapur is an independent curator, writer and editor. Her best-known publications on contemporary Indian art and on ideologies of cultural criticism include 'When was Modernism. Essays on Contemporary Cultural Practice in India' (2000). She is (co-) editor of several art and cultural journals. Her most recent curatorial projects include an exhibition on cultural production in Bombay as part of 'Century City: Art and Culture in the Modern Metropolis' in the Tate Gallery, London. The curator Catherine David achieved international renown with her programme for Documenta X. This was followed by a number of exhibitions and programmes, for example at the Sao Paulo Biennale and in the Kunst Werke, Berlin. In 2002 she was made director of the Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam. David's exhibitions focus especially on the social and political circumstances of artistic production and seek to break through the Western, Eurocentric canon of contemporary art.