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Africa, Europe
Momo and Gnawa Impulse
MoMo, Gnawa Impulse
Admission: 15, concessions 11 Euro
Pilsner Urquell
multi-culturalism, pop-culture, subculture, urbanity, youth
Gnawa Impulse
MoMo | Techno and house, drum & bass, garage, hiphop, dub... The music sounds like urban dancefloor from the metropolises of Europe – but the musicians originally come from Morocco. MoMo stands for 'Music of Moroccan Origin', and the music harks back to 'Gnawa': a musical style originating in ritual, brought by slaves from West to North Africa. Their ‘club sound of the Moors” is the sound of suburban youth in Tangiers, Agadir and Casablanca, and it’s also the groove of the 2nd generation immigrants now growing up in London.

Gnawa Impulse | A collaboration between the three traditional Moroccan Gnawa musicians Abdenbi Binizi, Samir Zgarhi and Majid Karadi and the Berlin musicians Jan-Claudius Rase and David Beck. Since 1998 Gnawa Impulse has been working on its "Living Remixes", fusing diverse influences from reggae, breakbeats, pop, dub and rock, along with other musical cultures such as Indian and Australian. A unique intercultural combination of modern technology and the traditional knowledge of the Gnawa brotherhood.

Admission to all evening concerts: 15 euros each, reduced 11 euros
children from 0-10 free
young adults 16 years and under 5 euros festival pass: 50 euros
Kombiticket for 2 evening concerts: 22 euro

In case of bad weather, the concerts will be held in the auditorium

Contact: Johannes Odenthal
