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U-Cef & the Halal Joint / Momo
U-Cef & The Halal Joint, MoMo
Admission: 15 Euro, concessions 11 Euro
Pilsner Urquell
U-Cef & The Halal Joint | U-Cef makes music which doesn’t fit into any pigeon-holes. He sends traditional Arabic themes through the sampler and onto the dance-floor, fusing urban music styles such as house, dub, hiphop and drum & bass with traditional musical influences such as Gnawa, Moroccan chanting and Berber music. U-Cef is the pseudonym for Youssef Adel: he’s a drummer, bassist, DJ and producer all at once, and will play popdeurope with an 8-man live band. He refers to his unique sound collages simply as 'global'. For the Neue Züricher Zeitung they are “some of the best things to be heard at the moment in electronic music with ‘world music’ roots. Practically a milestone."

MoMo | "The Band is MoMo, the Music is Dar, the Vibz are international." The musicians of MoMo call their music style 'Dar Music': Dar is Arabic, meaning 'House'. The music is both modern and North African, without compromises, but without contradictions either. It is no coincidence that this band’s fans include a number of illustrious personalities in the music industry, including Madonna, George Michael, Robert Plant and Björk.

Admission to all evening concerts: 15 euros each, reduced 11 euros
children from 0-10 free
young adults 16 years and under 5 euros
festival pass: 50 euros
Kombiticket for 2 evening concerts: 22 euro
In case of bad weather, the concerts will be held in the auditorium.