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America, Europe
Wagner Pá and Macaco
Wagner Pá, Macaco
Admission: 15 Euro, concessions 11 Euro
Pilsner Urquell
pop-culture, post modernity, urbanity
Wagner Pá | The tall Brazilian from Barcelona captivates with a daring combination of allusions to the Musica Popular Brasileira, African, Caribbean and European elements and borrowings from club culture, all blended into an individual cocktail of styles. What’s so special is not the matter-of-factness with which Wagner Pá plunders the archive of ethnic sound ingredients, but the confidence and creative power with which he transforms them into his own world of sound.
Macaco | This band gave birth to the 'Sonido del puerto de Barcelona': The "sound from Barcelona’s port" is a mixture of Latino sounds, reggae, ragga, hiphop, funk and electronic loops. The group was founded in 1997 by Dani "el Mono Loco" ('the crazy monkey') with the goal of creating a band as cosmopolitan as its home city. With guitar, bass, trumpet, keyboard, drums, percussion and samples, the combo creates a mood no one can resist.

Admission to all evening concerts: 15 euros each, reduced 11 euros
children from 0-10 free, young adults 16 years and under 5 euros
festival pass: 50 euros
Kombiticket for 2 evening concerts: 22 euro

In case of bad weather, the concerts will be held in the auditorium