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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic, Black Atlantic - Platform 3:
Another Modernity
Amiri Baraka
Admission: 5 €, concessions 3 €
Black Atlantic
Amiri Baraka
Moderation: RonAmber Deloney (Berlin)

Under the name of LeRoi Jones, Afro-American author Amiri Baraka was famous as a beat poet before he distanced himself from the White bohemian art scene and become a militant activist in the Black Power movement. His book "Blues People" (1963), which closely follows in the footsteps of W.E.B. Du Bois, made him world famous. Even now, he does not shy away from controversy, as shown by his poem on September 11, which refuses to be satisfied by official explanations. Using clear language and adopting a clear standpoint, Amiri Baraka will be reading from his texts on racism, (neo-) colonialism and self-determination.

Link The artists portrait at
Amiri Baraka