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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic, Black Atlantic - Platform 2:
Congo Square
Navigating the Essence of Cool:
Omar Sosa, Adam Rudolph
Congo Square
Admission (incl. jam session): 13 €, concessions 10 €
Black Atlantic
Omar Sosa
Omar Sosa (Barcelona/Havana - piano)
creates his music from Afro-Cuban rhythms, North-African Gnawa traditions, ChaCha grooves and Rap microcosms, with harmonies and disharmonies, dramatic rhythms and melodic calm
Adam Rudolph (Chicago - drums, percussion)
With his fusions of African and the New World styles, the master of world rhythms is one of the most influential stylists in the genre of World Music

"Pictures of Soul" is the title Sosa and Rudolph chose for their grandiose, inspired duet album, which they released in 2004. It expresses a more meditative, relaxed and expansive musical texture away from mere clave-based rhythms. It is full of the contemplative facets of Cool Jazz. Cuban pianist Omar Sosa evokes the ideal mixture of "Spirit(s), Soul and Being", the beauty of silence, and sounds of unbounded freedom, whilst percussionist Adam Rudolph develops a concept derived from the Dogon of Mali: that a person's inner-voice is expressed in the sound of an instrument.
