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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic
Congo Square
Admission: 13 €, concessions 10 €
Late Entry to Navigated Jam: 8 €
15.10.2004 - 17.10.2004
Black Atlantic
Archie Shepp
Joseph Bowie
Cheikh-Tidiane Seck
Jean-Paul Bourelly
Concerts and Jam-Sessions with:

- Archie Shepp; Sabar drummer Doudou N'Diaye Rose; the co-creator of Fela Kutis Afro-Beat Tony Allen; X Alfonso - one of the most important representatives of a new Cuban sound; Cheick-Tidiane Seck, who has worked with Salif Keita, Mory Kanté, Hank Jones and others; percussionist Daniel Moreno (worked with Don Cherry, Cassandra Wilson and others), Marque Gilmore (drums & electronic - with Joe Zawinul, Susheela Raman, Katia Labeque and others); and Argentinian singer and percussionist Mariana Baraj.

22.30 h: Navigated Jam

Salvador de Bahia, Kingston, Jamaica, London, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and New York have been recognized as main ports of activity for Black Atlantic music today.
The central idea of CONGO SQUARE will be to define how slavery, industrialization and now the information age, transported African cultural aesthetics through time and space in writing, language and most prominently, music to arrive at the contemporary art forms converging in and around the centers of cultural life mentioned above.
It is a tribute to the resiliency and adaptivity of black culture that these elements have now become global. Through the immediacy of dialogue and spontaneous composition (better known as “improvisation”) CONGO SQUARE will reveal the anatomy and functionality of the Black Atlantic's consciousness.

Under the artistic direction of guitarist, composer, and conceptualist Jean-Paul Bourelly (former creator of the BACK ROOM), this project will serve as an arena to trigger those impulses that made the music of the Black Atlantic survive. It will reveal parts of the genetic pool of thoughts and emotions that build the art forms as well as new styles that have influenced trans-global cultures of today, viewing the state of Berlin as a new Black Atlantic cultural hub.

Link Homepage of Adam Rudolph
Link Homepage of Archie Shepp - jazz musician - saxophone and piano player
Link Homepage of Cheick Tidiane Seck - a young musician from Cuba
Link Homepage of Daniel Moreno Verve Records
Link The Defunkt music website
Link Homepage of Doudou N'Diaye Rose
Link Homepage of Argentinian singer Mariana Baraj
Link Homepage of Marque Gilmore's Drum FM
Link Homepage von Omar Sosa - composer and piano player
Link Homepage of Paul D. Miller (aka DJ Spooky)
Link Homepage of Tony Allen
Link Homepage of MC Torch - rapper and a central character of German HipHop