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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic
"The Notion Picture Show"
Lisl Ponger
Free admission
Black Atlantic
Performance by Lisl Ponger with After-show-discussion.

Lisl Ponger was born in Nuremberg in 1947. She lives and works in Vienna, where she has been the visiting Professor for Art Photography at the University of Applied Arts. In 1994, she received the prestigious National Prize for Film Art and, in 2003, she was awarded the Visual Arts Prize for the province of Lower Austria. Her solo exhibitions include those at the Wien Museum Karlsplatz (2002) and the Ethnographisches Museum Geneva (1999). She has had group exhibitions at "TOUR-ISM", Fondacion Tapies, Barcelona and Salzburger Kunstverein (2004), Double Bind, ATA Gallery, Sofia and Documenta XI, Kassel (2002). Recent monographs include: Xenographische Ansichten (1995) and Phantom Fremdes Wien (2004).
