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Africa, America, Europe
youth programme
Black Atlantic
Radio Black Atlantic
Free admission
06.09.2004 - 24.10.2004
Black Atlantic
Online-radio for groups from the age of 14 onwards.
Editorial sessions from 6 September to 24.October; dates to be confirmed
Broadcast: 17.9./24.9./1.10./8.10./15.10./22.10., from 18-19 h

NamibHop, Brasil-Drum'n'Bass, BerlinCapoeiristas: our Online-Radio will follow the route taken by the Black Youth and Sound Cultures across the Atlantic. For two months, youths working in different editorial groups will be reporting on concerts, talks and performances at the House of World Cultures and following the trails of African-German colonial history through Berlin. The youths will encounter Rap poets and Jazz legends, produce text, music and image contributions and make live broadcasts every week from the Black Atlantic Studio at the House of World Cultures on

Editorial sessions from 6 September to 24.October; dates to be confirmed
Text editors: three afternoons a week
Music editors: two afternoons a week
Image editors: one afternoon a week

Link Youth Project Radio Black Atlantic
Online-Radio Black Atlantic
An online-project for radio groups from the age of fourteen upwards

NamibHop, Brasil-Drum’n’Bass, BerlinCapoeiristas: our Online-Radio will follow the route taken by the Black Youth and Sound Cultures across the Atlantic. For two months, youths working in different editorial groups will be reporting on concerts, talks and performances at the House of World Cultures and following the trails of African-German colonial history through Berlin. The youths will encounter Rap poets and Jazz legends, produce text, music and image contributions and make live broadcasts every week from the Black Atlantic Studio at the House of World Cultures.
>>> Editorial sessions from 6 Sept. to 24 Oct.: by appointment
