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Asia, Europe
Germany, Lebanon
Soap Kills and The Beez
Admission: 7 €, concessions 5 €
communication, multi-culturalism, pop-culture, urbanity
The Beez Brzezinski
A special element of DisORIENTation is the encounters between artists from the Middle East and Germany. This concert is the product of one such encounter: the Beirut "trip-hop"-formation Soap Kills meets the Berlin "Kitsch Pop"- band The Beez. They will rehearse together for three days, fusing Arab classics, lounge music, hits, country, punk and pop to a potpourri whose sound will be up into the air until the musicians go onstage - or may simply emerge during the concert. The Beez, centered around their founder - the self-styled "Gesamtkunstwerk" - Deta Heß, are known for the art of improvisation, and Soap Kills, who got their start in Beirut's extravagant club scene, are masters of crossover anyway. Long since cult figures in Beirut, Soap Kills samples Arab classics like Oum Kalthoum and Abdel Wahab all the way to Massive Attack, Césaria Evora and Jacques Brel. Reason enough not to miss this concert, which will be unique in the truest sense of the word.

Contact: Noureddine Ben Redjeb