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Far Near Distance
Axiom of Choice
Admission: 13 €, concessions 10 €
Entfernte Nähe
Axiom of Choice
A melody, which is repeatedly taken up by the instruments, is intensified and played round. Then a voice that ranges from extreme closeness to the remote distance of spherical sounds. The ensemble from the USA opens up classical Persian music to a western perspective. Axiom of Choice - the mathematical law - allows one to choose from a certain number of elements. Proceeding from this principle, the musicians infuse their art with elements from a variety of music cultures and improvise freely. Above their music floats a gypsy sound fused with an irresistibly moving melancholia that reflects a glance at an imaginary home country. It is no accident that the latest album is entitled "Unfolding. A Trans-Global Exploration of Omar Khayyam's Mystic Vision". Rooted in the mystical depths of medieval Persian poets, it nevertheless unfolds a musical vision that transcends all cultural boundaries.