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Far Near Distance
Admission: 13 €, concessions 10 €
perception, pop-culture, urbanity
Entfernte Nähe
with after-show-talk led by Werner Bloch

O-Hum is Persian for illusion. And the belief that a crossover of texts by the famous Persian poet Hafez and western rock music would find favour among the powers-that-be proved to be just that: an illusion. Founded in 1998, O-Hum, whose music is a mixture of rousing and soft rock sounds, soon became a cult band among young Iranians. However, they were neither allowed to perform publicly nor to produce a CD. Only the Internet and a "private" concert at a Russian Orthodox Church in Tehran saved them from being silenced completely. In July 2002 the band broke up and two of its three members went to Canada. Band-founder Shahram Sharbaf has meanwhile returned to Iran where he is now steadfastly working on the "Illusion" project. Their Berlin performance is a revival of a very special kind. Together with the original O-Hum bassist and other musicians, Sharbaf is proving that the quality of the music is ultimately more important than the dictates of ideological purity.