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Far Near Distance
Single Cell Creatures
Author: Jalal Tehrani
Admission: 5 €, concessions 3,50 €
free admission when theater ticket of the same evening purchased
Entfernte Nähe
Scenic Reading in German

Two criminals keep on planning break-ins and repeatedly end up in prison. In a writer’s bag, a philosopher and a homeless man find a bomb that is due to explode in eighty days’ time. Alongside it, there is a note and an address, which they use to try to find the writer. Two detectives are working in a laboratory, constantly examining evidence. However, they are not allowed to arrest any culprits.
Three places, three worlds, three different times: twenty years in the life of a criminal, eighty days in the life of a homeless man, and twenty-four hours in the life of a detective. All three episodes run parallel to one another. And everything occupies ninety minutes in the life of a viewer.