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Far Near Distance
Stadt der Spiele
Hamid Yavari, Tehran
Admission: 4 €, concessions 2,50 €
concession for visitors of the exhibition
Entfernte Nähe
A man is arrested for no reason and forced to confess. The time: the student movements of 1999. The Kafkaesque events in Tehran provide the frame for Hamid Yavari's novel "Stadt der Spiele". In a cool, distanced tone, the 32-year-old author tells stories from a schizophrenic metropolis in which nothing is safe any longer and nobody can trust anyone else. Students and doctors find themselves in prison alongside serial killers simply because to those in power such arbitrary practices are a welcome party gag. This macabre "game" leads to the destruction of the city, its inhabitants and, in the end, the text itself. Yavari has succeeded in writing an outstanding book that describes the permanent feeling of insecurity in the city. He allows the reader to imagine what it is like living in the socio-political atmosphere prevailing in modern Iran.

Hamid Yavari was born in Tehran in 1972. He works as a doctor in the emergency ward at Tehran Heart Centre. Yavari was inspired and promoted by the well-known Iranian author Hushang Golshiri, for whose magazine Karnameh he worked for an entire year. In the mid 1990s, Yavari began writing his own literary texts. After a number of short stories and reviews had appeared in various literature magazines, his first novel Shahr-e bazi (Fair Fun) was published in 2002.

Shahr-e bazi (Fair Fun), novel,2002