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Far Near Distance
Tehran 1380
+ Good Times/Bad Times
Double Feature
Admission: 5 €, concessions 3 €
Entfernte Nähe
Theran 1380
Tirdad Zolghadr/Solmaz Shahbazi
D 2002, 52 min., Beta SP, German subtitles

+ Solmaz Shahbazi
D 2003, 31 min., Betacam, German subtitles

Tehran 1380: Since 1980, Tehran’s population has exploded. More than fourteen million inhabitants live in what is now a wildly growing neon metropolis, which does not seem to satisfy any aesthetic criteria. The filmmakers take an ironic look at urban structures and the different ways people are living in the Iranian capital.

Good Times / Bad Times: About 70 per cent of Iran’s population is under the age of twenty. In interviews, the female director confronts young men with the fact that ever more young women are leaving home. A portrait of a generation.
Attended by the director.