Blasted Mechanism |
BLASTED MECHANISM & GALISSA (Lisbon/Angola) Cyber-RockAll concerts on the roof-terrace, the evening will be continued in the Foyer (when bad wheather concerts indoor)
The future of rock can be found alive and kicking on the far western fringes of Europe - or should that read "in a parallel universe" - It certainly seems as if Valdjiu, Karkov, Ari, Fred and Simoes have come from a galaxy far away to boldly tune us Earthlings in to the harmonies of their own world. Blasted Mechanism - the first alternative alien pop group from Portugal - frequently thrill audiences of up to 50,000 there, and are regularly seen blasting the Portuguese music TV airways. Their costumes alone are worth a double-take, inspired by early German sci-fi visionaries like Friedrich Murnau and Fritz Lang, and mixed with an alien apocalypse à la Ridley Scott. Blasted Mechanism's spectacular stage shows provide a platform for their brand of cyber rock to collide and merge with older traditions and stories, narrated by the magical voice of Galissa, an Angolian Griot.