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Sampling Europe
Youth program of Popdeurope (from 12)
Registration: 030/39 787 180 / -183
children, communication, youth
Concept and organisation: Next - Intercultural projects

Is there a special sound to every city?
How do the boats and ships of the Marseille harbour or the Berlin West harbour sound? Can you hear the summer heat of Casablanca? And how do the voices of the barbecuers in the Tiergarten sound after they were translated into zeros and ones?

Sampling Europe invites young people from Marseilles, Casablanca and Berlin to blend the sounds of their cities into sound installations. The collected tunes of Berlin and the sounds from Marseilles and Casablanca, brought to Berlin, are the raw material for samples, sound installations, performances and internet projects, which are led by a group of international artists. As a highlight and a result of this week, the Cityscape Sound performance presents with its Sound collage quite new experiences.

"Popdeurope - migrating sounds in and out of Europe" - the music festival of the House of World Cultures presents for the second time new beats from the European Metropolis and thrilling sound transfers: global pop languages like Hip Hop, R'n'B, Club Grooves, Dancehall or House melt together with influences and traditions which have emerged in Europe. Sampling Europe - the multimedia Youth-Arts Project of Popdeurope - shows how pop culture evolves.

Contact: Henrike Grohs