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New Music, new music
America, Asia
Japan, United States
Constructive Interferences
Carl Stone, Min Xiao-Fen and Yumiko Tanaka play works by Carl Stone
Admission: 13 Euro, concessions 10 Euro
Festivalpass for students: 20 Euro
communication, perception, post modernity, technology
Carl Stone
“Constructive interferences are waves which result at minimum and maximum string vibration, creating resonance and overtones. I see these qualities – echo and constructive interference – as valid metaphors for the style of interaction I have discovered with these partners,” says Carl Stone. He has collaborated for many years with the Pipa virtuoso Min Xiao-Fen and the Shamisen soloist Yumiko Tanaka. At the interface between the technologies of the 21st century, experimental aesthetics and traditional instrumental skills, the interplay between these three outstanding musicians offers a fascinating musical glimpse into the future.

Contact: Johannes Odenthal

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