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Path of the Phoenix
Compositions for Shô and Sheng
Admission: 13 €, concessions 10 €
Festival ticket: 65 €, concessions 35 €
myth, perception, time
Compositions for solo sets and ensembles as well as improvisations with and by Wu Wei, Kô Ishikawa, Gene Coleman, Klaus-Hinrich Stahmer, Yûji Takahashi, Chen Xiaoyong and the Ensemble N_ER

The phoenix is a mythical bird that stands for resurrection and rebirth. The two solo-instruments - the shô and the sheng - played at this concert are said to imitate the shape and call of the phoenix.

"Being interested in instruments as a projection of musical culture I began to regard instruments as 'micro-architecture'" says curator Gene Coleman, explaining the concept underlying this evening. In "The Path of the Phoenix" I explore the qualities of these different instruments by blurring the differences at one point and bringing them out again elsewhere."

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