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Perceptions of Palestine
Perceptions of Palestine

Saturday, March 22 2003, 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
The House of World Cultures
English and German with translation
Free admission

How is Palestine perceived from a historical and cultural point of view? This event, held by the House of World Cultures as part of the program “DisORIENTation – Contemporary Arab Artists from the Mid-East”, focuses on issues of the connection between exile and historical consciousness, the formation of a historical identity and points of view on Palestine in contemporary Arab culture.
The symposium “Perceptions of Palestine” thematizes the perception and interpretations of the history of Palestine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict mainly from an Arab point of view. In the first panel the historian Issam Nasser (Al-Quds University, Jerusalem), the writer and journalist Elias Sanbar (“Revue d’études palestiniennes, Paris) and the journalist Dominique Vidal (“Le Monde Diplomatique“, Paris) examine the construction of Palestine’s history. In the second part of the symposium the Lebanese writer Elias Khoury, the painter and author Kamal Boullata (Menton/Jerusalem) and the literary scholar Ammiel Alcalay, (invited, New York) will discuss issues of the cultural perception and representation of Palestine in modern Arab art as well as the way in which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict influences Arab cultural production in the Mid-East.
On the evening before the symposium (Friday, March 21 2003, 6:00 p.m.) Elias Khoury will read from his novel “The Gates of the Sun” (1998), a work in which Khoury thematizes the Palestinian exodus from Israel, describing the life of the refugees in Lebanese camps. After the reading the author and the Egyptian film director Yousry Nasrallah, who is now filming “The Gates of the Sun” will hold a discussion with Friederike Pannewick, lecturer at the Institute for Arab Studies at the Free University, Berlin.

For more information and detailed press folders:
The House of World Cultures
Petra Stegmann
telephone: 030-397 87 291
fax: 030 - 397 87 159

The House of World Cultures John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin

Detailed Program >>>>>>>>>>>>

Perceptions of Palestine
>>>Saturday, March 22 2003, 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
>>>The House of World Cultures
>>>English and German with translation
>>>Free admission

2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Lectures followed by discussion:
On the Construction of Palestinian History

“The Expulsion and the Palestinians’ Historical Consciousness“
Elias Sanbar, writer, editor-in-chief of the “Revue d´études palestiniennes“, Paris
“The Formation of a National Identity”
Issam Nasser, Professor der Geschichte, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem

“Israel and the Nakba:
The 1948 war from the point of view of the “new Israeli historians”“
Dominique Vidal, deputy editor-in-chief of “Le Monde Diplomatique“, Paris

Moderator: Birgit Schäbler, Professor for West Asian History, University of Erfurt

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Lectures followed by discussion
Palestine in Modern Arab Cuture

“Who Is a Palestinian Writer?“
Elias Khoury, writer and culture editor of “An-Nahar“, Beirut

“Artistic Innovation and the Palestinian Image“
Kamal Boullata, painter and author, Menton/Jerusalem

“Literature and Identity“
Ammiel Alcalay (invited), Professor for Oriental Literature at Queens College, New York

Moderator: Maher Jarrar, Director of the Anis Makdisi Program in Literature, American University Beirut, at present Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
The Gates of the Sun
Reading: Elias Khoury (Beirut)
Discussion partner Yousry Nasrallah (Cairo)
Moderator Friederike Pannewick (Berlin)

>>>Friday, March 21 2003, 6:00 p.m.
>>>The House of World Cultures
>>>English and German with translation
>>>Admission € 4 / € 2.50