deutsche Version

Press releases

Presentation of the 2004 Program
November 25, 2003, 18.30h

In 2003, the House of World Cultures successfully introduced its new program structure featuring the annual festivals Transonic, In Transit, popdeurope and the Festival of Sacred Music, as well as two large-scale interdisciplinary programs with changing focal points. This structure will remain in place in the year to come.

New in the House of World Cultures is a curatorial approach using the House’s interdisciplinary program structure to address themes and topics of wide appeal and high relevance. This clearly sets projects like “Black Atlantic” apart from earlier programming in the House of World. For the first time in our fourteen-year history, we will define our projects based upon issues critical to non-European cultures but also relevant to German society – rather than geographic or regional criteria as in the past.

We invite you to join us on Tuesday, November 25th at 18.30h for a discussion of our new approach to programming and our continuously expanding network of partners. We would also like to offer you a “behind-the-scenes” glimpse into our work - the process of creating programming which is than presented in the House of World Cultures, the role that intercultural dialog plays in our daily work as well as in our numerous and intense co-operations with international curators and artists.

The press conference will be followed by a small reception. The Director of the House of World Cultures, Dr. Hans-Georg Knopp, the Managing Director of the Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH, Jürgen Maier, the Heads of Programming and I will be in attendance and would enjoy speaking with you personally.

We are looking forward to the evening of November 25 and hope you will be able to join us.

Yours sincerely,

Becky Ann Gilbert
Head of Communications

We ask that you confirm your participation by calling (030) 397 87 153 or by fax (030) 394 86 79.