In 2005 the House of World Cultures will present gripping topics and places its focus on Asia. ABOUT BEAUTY, to be presented next Spring, is with its large-scale exhibition, performing arts program and conference and discussion series a highly sensual and artistic approach to the international discourse concerning beauty and its cultural and political implications. The project examines terminology and concepts as applied in different cultures; of particular interest in this context is China. Individual space and fun as a political viewpoint, questions of guilt, traumatic histories and terror the interdisciplinary Fall programme SPACES AND SHADOWS CONTEMPORARY ART FROM SOUTH EAST ASIA examines places of continuous mobility in which societies marked by deep social contrasts and a highly-dynamic arts scene have developed. The performing arts festival IN TRANSIT will be expanded to include New Music and places in this its fourth runs a special focus upon contemporary Japanese dance. With projects like BLACK ATLANTIC and FAR NEAR DISTANCE the House of World Cultures successfully made a transition toward global issues and away from geographic borders. With commissioned works it has proven itself to be one of Europes most unique magnets for artistic creativity and intercultural dialog. The conscious decision in 2004 to sharpen the focus of further programming while at the same time building new and strong partnerships will shape the Houses work in the years to come. Networking both worldwide and in Berlin therefore remain a crucial element of success for the House of World Cultures, which continues to build upon its growing reputation as a catalyst for co-operations. At the explicit request of the Berlin Senate, the House of World Cultures will develop a concept for and coordinate the official cultural program of the Asian-Pacific-Weeks starting in 2005. It has been asked by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to assume an equally leading role in the Brazilian Cultural Year in Germany, the Copa da Cultura 2006 in honour of the World Cup games. Further long-term co-operations seal partnerships between the House of World Cultures, the Germany Symphony Orchestra, the China World Millennium Art Museum in Beijing, the transmediale and the Talent Campus. 2004 marked another success for the House of World Cultures in terms of long-term development: the possibility of bringing its exhibition space up to international museum standard. The necessary renovation steps, which are to be carried out in 2006, will renew the Houses fifty-year-old technical infrastructure. During this time frame, the Houses artistic programs will be performed in other venues in the city, thus ensuring a continuous physical and artistic presence. In 2007 the House of World Cultures will celebrate the 50th birthday of the former Congress Hall with an exhibition and performing arts programme titled Who We Are. This project will examine the effects of immigration on North American and European culture and society since the 1960s. Christine Regus Pressearbeit > Press Office Haus der Kulturen der Welt > House of World Cultures John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 10557 Berlin Deutschland > Germany Telefon: ++49 30 - 39787 -153 Telefax: ++49 30 - 394 86 79 email: