All music is a synthesis; music is always about communication between different cultures - no matter how old their traditions may be. For example, rap combines funk rhythms, street poetry and technical developments in sound sampling, gnawa is a mixture of Ghanaian and Arabian Berber music. This quality of communicating across borders will be central to the work on a new concert. Every Back Room concert is unique, creating music that nobody has ever had an opportunity to hear before. 22. und 23.2. Roots of Civilization: Ethiopian Music and Dance featuring "Queen of Sheba" 6. und 7.9. DEFUNKT Black America With Joe Bowie, Kim Clark, Adam Kipple From Berlin: Kenny Martin, Fuasi Abdul Khaliq further Back Rooms: January 2000 Hassan Hakmoun, sintir Brahim Frigbane, guitar, percussion Wil Calhoun, drums Koldja Funkzwerg, vocals Grisha Schabernack, vocals Onkel Kane, vocals December 2000 Grupo Libre, Special Edition New York Latin All-Stars Meet Berlin February 2001 Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Bass Dhafer Youssef, Oud und Gesang