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Youth Program
Tips for kids in 2003
10.03.2003 14:00
The Youth Programme in the House of World Cultures will have two new focal points in 2003. Firstly, the work focused on city districts and the conceptual co-operation with other organisations that do youth cultural work will take greater precedence. These community arts projects introduce new approaches from outside Europe. Secondly, a central theme of all the youth programmes will be the exchange with an artistic genre: Photography. In the process, own programmes – such as DisORIENTation, Visual Culture Network and the focus on India – will be supplemented by exhibition projects in co-operation with other institutions.

Exposed World: DisORIENTation Youth Programme
>>> March 10 - April 12, 2003

Visual Culture Network
>>> February – July 2003

The Caravans
>>> May – July 2003

sampling europe – Youth Programme popdeurope
>>> August 2003

India – Youth Programme
>>> September – November 2003

Sacred Music Tour
>>> December 2003

Exposed World: DisORIENTation Youth Programme
>>> March 10 - April 12, 2003
In the context of DisORIENTation the youth programme’s central medium is photography. What possibilities does photography offer for exploring life? Which different ways can photographic material read, and how is photography used in contemporary Arabic art? Using photographic materials as a point of departure, supplemented with video and film and in co-operation with artists, projects will be developed about memory and history, and localities of the Arab communities in Berlin will be examined.
The dialogue will not be exclusively concerned with artistic projects. Representatives from youth art initiatives in Middle Eastern countries who work with young people on video and film projects will introduce the approaches and aims of their projects and discuss methods and possibilities in the context of the Arts-in-Education Forum.

Visual Culture Network
>>> February – July 2003
The exhibition Communicationscape in 2002 presented the first interim result of the international arts-in-education project “Visual Culture”. Deciphering the big city’s visual codes in artistic projects with secondary school pupils is at the heart of the exchange between Berlin and Hong Kong, continued through the joint work of students at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Berlin University of the Arts. This time the focal point is the culture of celebration – Celebration Scape. The transfer of ideas and project experiences is meant to be expanded to further metropoles in coming years.

The Caravans
>>> May – July 2003
With its outreach programme “The Caravans”, the Youth Programme will again travel to the new German states. Through selected programme packages for young people, the House of World Cultures will show part of its special manner of intercultural dialogue using the language of art. Artists from four continents will work with school children on different topics: “The Voice of Thunder” focuses on stories, music, calligraphy and art installations from Asia. With Brazilian and west African artists “the History of the Baobab” explores the aesthetics of Afro-American religions from Candomblé to Voodoo. “The Garden of Islam” will be traversed with musicians and artists, and “Laterna Afrika” brings African youth film to the centre of dance, music and visual arts workshops.
The programme’s offerings will be continually extended reflecting projects developed in the previous year. A Latin America project, that was developed from the programme “Las Huellas” this year, is in preparation.

sampling europe – Youth Programme popdeurope
>>> August 2003
Pop music is developing increasingly into the universal code of youth culture. To investigate local music cultures and get into the current rhythms and music scenes of a city, however, you need insiders. Together with artists and young people from three European countries, sampling europe will crack these codes and develop new compositions with the material that’s found and brought back. The creative exchange between young people and artists will be intensified by the creation of a summer school in 2003.

India – Youth Programme
>>> September – November 2003
The Youth Programme focused on India in autumn 2003 will confront young visitors with a modern and unknown India and, at the same time, bring close the numerous connections between Europe and the subcontinent. The central point will be actions related to the two large-scale exhibitions in the House of World Cultures and independent artistic projects that will be developed in co-operation with artists living in India and Germany.

In co-operation with the artists, the young participants will make a report about the India projects in the House of World Cultures. Exhibition themes will be in the forefront: What happens when images are presented in another cultural context? What happens to artists’ and curators’ ideas in the process of being received by the audience and the media? What influence do people have on the pictorial or textual presentation of their work, their feelings or their social situation? The variety of art forms range from photography to computer art to typical Indian billboard painting.

Sacred Music Tour
>>> December 2003
Human Rights Day on December 10 will be the focus of the youth projects that accompany the World Festival of Sacred Music. Together with pupils from the UNESCO project schools in Berlin, a programme will be developed that looks into the meaning of sacred musical traditions in the pupils’ lives. Musicians living in Berlin will help the pupils to develop their own compositions. The programme element „The making of“, first developed for the Festival of Sacred Music 2002, will be extended, and a young audience will be familiarised with the concerts’ content and the development of the programme.

Contact: Henrike Grohs