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Youth Program
Outreach and Education
01.01.2004 10:00
As in past years, the Youth Program at the House of World Cultures will also participate in all of the festivals in 2004. On the whole, greater involvement by youth participants is planned through the use of artistic workshops. A particular goal in 2004 is to have young people reflect on the HWC program using various media. Thus within the framework of the project Depth of Focus - which accompanies the program Far Near Distance - commentary and interviews by young people will be realized on video; as part of popdeurope youths will develop a magazine in the project Sampling Europe and the program Black Atlantic will be accompanied by a youth radio team.

Depth of Focus: The Youth Program of Far Near Distance
>>> March to May 2004

In the youth program the medium film/video will play a central role in the form of a video workshop and related workshops for music, the visual arts, theatre and literature. During the workshops, Iranian artists who live in Germany and Iranian directors will create links to the lives of young people in Germany. Privacy and public space are often synonyms for restriction and freedom in youth culture. In the case of Iran private space promises freedom (being able to wear western clothing, have parties, listen to forbidden music), while in western youth cultures the opening up of public places is often equated with individual freedom. In addition to the themes of "private vs. public," and "internal vs. external," the issue of the role of the sexes will run through every part of the Youth Program. For the first time, the House of World Cultures’ Youth Program will work together with the education program of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

Black Atlantic Youth Program
>>> September - November 2004

The Black Atlantic Youth Program dedicates itself, on the one hand, to the obvious connection between youth culture and black culture. How can young people be made aware that they - often without them realizing it - are making use of a cultural legacy which is linked to a language of suffering, and a history of suppression and resistance? These and other themes will be explored in workshops, for example with dancer and choreographer Ismael Ivo under the motto "body talks", and in musical projects with the musician Jean-Paul Bourelly. This dialogue will be complemented by lectures which will be developed in cooperation with academics and young people.

transonic: Companion Program to the Festival of New Music
>>> January 2004

The Youth Program of transonic has as its primary goal to raise young people’s interest in new music and attempts to do so by setting up direct encounters with composers and performers of the genre. At the suggestion of the curator of transonic 2003, Gene Coleman, the central part of the school program will be an intensive workshop with the Balinese tarompet player Ayo Sutarma. Together with the students, he will work on an ensemble piece that is to become part of his concert in the House of World Cultures. Especially interesting here is that Ayo Sutarma will not make use of any classical instruments but rather work with everyday objects and voices.

The Making of ... IN-TRANSIT & The Festival of Sacred Music
>>> June & December 2004

The new program format The Making of... was introduced in 2002 as part of the Festival of Sacred Music, and was successfully continued in cooperation with the German-Indian composer Sandeep Bhagwati as part of the program The Making of... allows young people to look behind the scenes at an international festival production. What are the underlying ideas of the event? How do international misunderstandings come about? Where are the limits of cultural transfers? These and other questions are developed together with specialists, cultural managers and artists into the program content. In units lasting roughly 90 minutes, students are introduced to the world of cultural exchange and are also prepared for the evening events.

Sampling Europe - Part of the Summer Festival popdeurope
>>> April - August 2004

This year popdeurope will be accompanied by an editorial team consisiting of young people who are interested in music journalism and wish to publish in school newspapers or online magazines. Together they will create an online festival newspaper on popdeurope’s opening weekend. In the publication the young people will write about the influence of African music on Europe's pop music, reflect on the situation of youths in Africa’s cities, and comment on the popdeurope festival in words and pictures. Working with sound files in relation to the texts and photos will also be an important aspect. In addition, multi-day composition workshops with participating groups are planned.

The Caravan
>>> June to November 2004

The Caravan 2004 will continue to be the Youth Program’s central outreach program. Tried and true workshop concepts will be compiled into thematic program packages. By doing so there will be a greater focus on thematic connections and less on regional aspects. New program packages will be added to the current ones, based on experiences with the projects of the DisORIENTation program, and with the Far Near Distance project.

The positive experiences with the expansion of introductory seminars for participating teachers in 2003 can be found on an Internet site financed by the Civitas Foundation. This information platform, which extends well beyond the scope of the project itself, will be expanded during the course of the Caravan projects of 2004. Through this medium it is possible to incorporate the themes and strategies of the House of World Cultures into schools' intercultural curriculums.

Arts in Education Laboratory
>>> Year-round project

The development of networks in the areas of arts management and intercultural youth projects calls not only for dialogue with potential partner institutions, but above all for the conceptualized cooperation with the artists participating in the projects. The internal workshops with these artists concentrate on the sharing of experiences, and the relationship of the didactic-pedagogical aspects of working with young people to the artistic challenges of such projects. The goal of these projects is the development of new representative forms of non-European art in the field of youth culture. In terms of content, The Lab will orient itself toward the themes of Black Atlantic.

The House of World Cultures, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
NEXT - Intercultural Projects:
Peter Winkels, Henrike Grohs
Phone: 030 - 397 87 183
Telefax: 030 - 394 61 39 ;

Link Youth Project Radio Black Atlantic
Online-Radio Black Atlantic
An online-project for radio groups from the age of fourteen upwards

NamibHop, Brasil-Drum’n’Bass, BerlinCapoeiristas: our Online-Radio will follow the route taken by the Black Youth and Sound Cultures across the Atlantic. For two months, youths working in different editorial groups will be reporting on concerts, talks and performances at the House of World Cultures and following the trails of African-German colonial history through Berlin. The youths will encounter Rap poets and Jazz legends, produce text, music and image contributions and make live broadcasts every week from the Black Atlantic Studio at the House of World Cultures.
>>> Editorial sessions from 6 Sept. to 24 Oct.: by appointment