Uchqun Nazarov was born in 1934 and lives as a prose writer and film-maker in Tashkent. Ingeborg Baldauf's German translation of his novel about Uzbekistan in the last year of the Second World War, "The Year of the Scorpion", is to be published by Dagyeli in the spring of 2002.
All the main characters in Uchqun Nazarov's work are women, since it is in women - their fate and their attempts to throw off their restraints and the veil - that he is particularly interested. The novel raises a number of questions still very topical in Uzbekistan today, including that of the relationship between power, the law and the opportunities open to individual citizens in their everyday lives.
Author: Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Contact: Sven Arnold arnold@hkw.de