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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic
Black Berlin City Bus Tour
Poetry of the Invisible
Admission: 8 €
06.09.2004 - 12.09.2004
Black Atlantic
A bus tour of Berlin with Ismael Ivo
Starting from the House of World Cultures

On this tour of Berlin, Ismael Ivo's ensemble will vividly convey the presence of the German colonies and Afro-German history with texts, sounds and performative actions. The Black Berlin City Bus Tour will look for traces both in the cityscape and in places touched by Black history that might provide a framework for expressing memories. Such places include Mohrenstrasse in Berlin's Mitte district, close to the historical site of the "Congo Conference" of 1884/85, where the colonial powers divided up Africa amongst themselves; the "Hererostein" on the garrison cemetery; the Olympic Stadium; and the "African Quarter" in the district of Wedding. Participants in the "Dance of the Freed" youth workshop will also come on the tour, which will include a presentation of the results of the workshop.

With Ismael Ivo, Catherine Womba Tolopu, Cristina Perrera, Apolo Franca, Edsel Scott, José Antonio Roque Toimil, Rafael Luiz Nunes.

Duration of the tour: 1,5-2 hours
