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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic
Crossings of the Black Atlantic
Memory in the Atlantic Interaction Area of the Caribbean
Free admission
Black Atlantic
Opening of the series of lectures
AFRIKAMERIKA: Atlantic Constructions

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mark Stein (Universität Potsdam, Institute for English and American Studies)

In a speech on 28 February 2000, the historian Jürgen Osterhamme placed the slave societies from the early modern period on into the broader context of the Atlantic world, showing their intimate historical connection with western civilisation. His concept of spatial networks of interaction in the Atlantic world was intended to draw attention to the deeper structural constellations established across the entire Atlantic basin, and underlined his central thesis that this interactive Atlantic space has been decisive in coining world history over the last five hundred years.
The main thrust of research in this area has largely concentrated on Africa's relationships to the USA. In contrast, this Lecture Series explores the cultural and historical dynamics between Africa and Latin America, so crucial to understanding the (post)colonial cultural history of this region.

Organized by: Lateinamerika-Institut FU, Romanistik Humboldt Universität, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut PK, Romanistik Universität Potsdam

In co-operation with the House of World Cultures
