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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic
The Poetry of the Black Atlantic
Admission: 5 €, concessions 2,50 €
Black Atlantic
Reading: Poesía del Atlántico Negro with Nancy Morejón (Havana), Host: Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger (Literature Studies, Berlin)

Languages: Spanish - German

"They left me here and I lived here. And because I worked like an animal I was reborn here." (from: Mujer negra, 1975)

How does the poetry of Black women sound in Cuba in the 21st century? Nancy Morejón began writing shortly after Castro's victory. Her poems combine realities in post-revolutionary Havana with somnambulistic sequences and a homage to women in their struggle against powerlessness and not having a voice of their own in the Atlántico Negro.

Nancy Morejón is a writer, artist and literary scholar living and working in Havana, where she directs the Caribbean Studies Centre at Casa de las Américas. She is acknowledged as a leading poet in post-revolutionary Cuba and many of her works have also appeared widely in translation.
In poems reflecting the intermingling of African and Spanish cultures in Cuba, Nancy Morejón addresses the topics of ethnicity, gender, politics, and history, especially Afro-Cuban history. She is a member of the Cuban Academy of Language. In 1997, Nancy Morejón received the "Premio de la Crítica" (Critics' Prize).

Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger, Professor of Comparative Literature and Research Associate at the Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland and at the LAI Institute at the FU Berlin. The main focus of her research is on the history of culture and science in a post-colonial context. Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger has long been active in Latin American and Caribbean literary criticism, concentrating primarily on Dutch-speaking and Spanish-speaking literature in a trans-Caribbean and Latin American context.
She has worked with key Black Diaspora authors such as Astrid H. Roemer and Nancy Morejón.

Link Nancy Morejón's web site in Cuba
Link - Poet Nancy Morejón