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Africa, America, Europe
Black Atlantic
Contemporary Black German History
Free admission
Black Atlantic
Discussion with Peggy Piesche (Scholar of Liiterature, Utrecht/Berlin), Yara Colette Muniz de Faria (Historian, Berlin), Tina Campt (Historian, Durham).
Host: Fatima El-Tayeb (Historian, San Diego)

Languages: English-German

Black Germans do not see themselves as immigrants, yet they are still not accepted as a political and cultural factor in their own right. This Panel takes up the issue of the contemporary Black community in Germany's self-concept as a nation.

Yara-Colette Lemke Muniz de Faria is a historian. She originally read German Studies, American Studies and History in Berlin and Amherst before receiving her doctorate in 2000 from the Centre for Anti-Semitic Research. Since 1999, she has been a Research Associate on the DFG project "Patientenbilder - Zur Geschichte des Menschen- und Körperbildes des orthopädisch Kranken" at the Zentrum für Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften der Berliner Hochschulmedizin, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin. Her main research concerns focus on Black German History after 1945, the history of photography in Berlin in the 19th century, and the history of photo-documentation of patients. In 2002, her study appeared on post-war Germany "Zwischen Fürsorge und Ausgrenzung. Afrodeutsche 'Besatzungskinder' im Nachkriegsdeutschland".
