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Chronicle of a Disappearance
Film Portrait Elia Suleiman
Admission: 5 Euro, concessions 3 Euro
with short film: Cyber Palestine
Palestine 2000,
16 min., Betacam, Engl. Subtitles

Chronicle of a Disappearance
Palestine 1996,
85 min., Engl. Subtitles

“My life is laughable – a permanent comedy of errors – like this film itself.” Elia Suleiman

A journey from realism to surrealism and back: in his film “Chronicle of a Disappearance”, told in diary-fashion, Suleiman shows a series of ironic scenes from rural life around Jerusalem. For example, the place where Jesus supposedly walked on water. Tourists leave so much litter there that no one would think of doing such a thing anymore. In Venice Suleiman’s work was awarded the prize for the best debut.

Contact: Doris Hegner