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Mexico, Mexico City
El automóvil gris | The Grey Automobile
Valdés Kuri
Claudio Valdés Kuri
Admission: 13 Euro, concessions 10 Euro
04.10.2002 - 06.10.2002
communication, history, language, metropolises, post modernity, tradition
Theatregroup Claudio Valdés Kuri
Claudio Valdés Kuri
On the screen "El automóvil gris" will be shown, a unique silent film from 1919 which tells the story of the first gang of organized criminals at the time of the Mexican Revolution in semi-documentary form. It will be accompanied by two Mexican actresses and a professional film commentator in the tradition of the Japanese "Benshi", common in Japan's silent film era. The three give each of the actors a voice, playing with languages, voices and noises, and creating a tension between correct and incorrect interpretations brought about by the encounter of different cultures.

The prominent director Claudio Valdés Kuri, internationally known for "De monstruos y prodigios - La historia de los castrati" - "Of Monsters and Miracles - the Story of the Castrati" - developed a passion for Mexican silent film, as well as for the skill of the Japanese benshi. In his production he creates a new genre which integrates live music and seeks new forms of narration. Especially for the Berlin production, German words have been woven into the actors' lines.

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