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Home/Programme/Todays programme/Details
Asia, Europe
Festival of Sacred Music
Dialog zwischen den Religionen
Dialogue Between the Religions
Free admission
Buddhism, Islam, ritual
The concept of the festival “Sacred Music”, to use cultural difference not for its explosive potential, but as the seed of a dialogue about a common theme, is continued in two roundtable discussions: the prominent participants ensure that these discussions “between the religions” will lead to unusual insights.

8.12. I Sun : 12:00 a.m.
Dr. Kosei Morimoto, Abbot of the Tôdai-ji Monastery and Islamic scholar, in conversation with Mohamed Reza Derwichi, writer and musical scholar from Iran.
Following the discussion Kosei Morimoto will give a tour of the altar erected onstage for the ceremony.

15.12. I Sun : 12:00 a.m.
François Lilienfeld, Cantor from Naronne, Frankreich, in conversation with Lotfi Bouchnak and Lama Doboom Tulku, Director of the Tibet House, Delhi and co-initiator of the World Festival of Sacred Music.

15.12. I Sun : 5:00 p.m.
Lecture by François Lilienfeld: Music for the Jewish Holidays

Contact: Johannes Odenthal
