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Festival of Sacred Music
Masters of the classical Persian Maqam
Admission: 13 €, concessions 10 €
Sufism, ritual, tradition
Sacred Music
The outstanding quality of classical Persian music is often compared with the perfection of Persian carpets. Like the detailed patterns of a carpet, melodies unfold intricately in the poems about the prophets that form the basis of Maqam music.

The Maqamat are highly sophisticated musical complexes that reflect different human emotions and are associated with certain times of the day, colors and elements. In contrast to Sufi music, however, a Maqam is based on compositions performed by an orchestra.

This performance form is based on a philosophical principle of Islam: unity in diversity and diversity in unity. Just as a carpet forms a unified whole, even though it consists of a multitude of patterns and details, the ensemble forms a unified whole which leaves room for a diversity of virtuosos, in song, on the frame drum, on the flute. Ideally, the audience is also included in this whole, spurring the masters on to outdo themselves on their instruments and transporting the singers into a state of ecstasy.