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New Music, new music
America, Asia
Japan, United States
The Combination of the Four Elements
Yoshihide Otomo and Gene Coleman
Admission: 13 Euro, concessions 10 Euro
Kombiticket(29.1. and 30.1.): 20 Euro
Festivalpass for students: 20 Euro
perception, post modernity, transformation
What happens when two musicians from different cultural backgrounds write compositions for identical instruments? The concert marking the end of transonic 2003 features two compositions commissioned by the House of World Cultures, presenting the results of the experiment undertaken by Yoshihide Otomo and Gene Coleman.
Both composers work with “lowercase sounds”, extremely soft, gentle sounds which take their listeners to new dimensions of conscious perception; both are concerned with the radical transformations of the old and the new.

The performers:

Yoshihide Otomo
“CATHODE #6” for Gagaku instruments, bass clarinet, saxophone quartet and live electronics (2003)

Premiere / commission for the House of World Cultures

Ko Ishikawa (Japan) Shô
Aya Motohashi (Japan) Hichiriki
Sasamoto Takeshi (Japan) Ryuteki
XASAX Saxophone Quartet (France/Switzerland)
Gene Coleman (USA) bass clarinet
Sachiko M. (Japan) sine wave sampler and electronics
Yoshihide Otomo (Japan) guitar and turntables

Gene Coleman
“YAGO“ for Gagaku instruments, saxophone quartet, live electronics and video (2003)
with a video projection by Gene Coleman and Tom Denlinger

Premiere / commission for the House of World Cultures

Ko Ishikawa (Shô)
Aya Motohashi (Hichiriki)
Sasamoto Takeshi (Ryuteki)
XASAX Quartet
Yoshihide Otomo (guitar and turntables)
Sachiko Matsubara (sine wave sampler and electronics)
Gene Coleman (sound projection)
Tom Denlinger (video projection)
Rei Hotoda (conductor)

Contact: Johannes Odenthal

Link transonic