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New Music, new music
America, Asia
Japan, United States
Yoshihide Otomo and Gene Coleman
Gene Coleman und Yoshihide Otomo
Admission: 13 Euro, concessions 10 Euro
Kombiticket(29.1. and 30.1.): 20 Euro
Festivalpass for students: 20 Euro
post modernity, tradition, transformation
For this concert Yoshihide Otomo, one of Japan’s most creative sound artists, and festival curator Gene Coleman will juxtapose traditional East Asian and Western music with experimental compositions. The first part includes traditional Gagaku pieces and transcriptions of early European music for a saxophone quartet in an arrangement by the Italian opera and instrumental composer Salvatore Sciarrino, while the second part features the premiere of a new version of Gene Coleman’s piece “Shredded Heritage III” and a duo by Yoshihide and Matsubara. In this program, Otomo and Coleman explore musical borderlands between traditional and experimental music, East Asian and Western musical cultures.

Dusk in the winter
Ko Ishikawa (Japan) Shô
Aya Motohashi (Japan) Hichiriki
Sasamoto Takeshi (Japan) Ryuteki

PAGINE (2001)
Xasax Saxophone Quartet:
Serge Bertocchi (France)
Jean-Michel Goury (France)
Pierre-Stéphane Meugé (France)
Marcus Weiss (Switzerland)

Shredded Heritage III (2002)
Premiere / commission for the House of World Cultures
Ko Ishikawa (Japan) Shô
Aya Motohashi (Japan) Hichiriki
Sasamoto Takeshi (Japan) Ryuteki
Burkhard Stangl (Austria) guitar and electronics
Gunter Schneider (Austria) guitar and electronics
Rei Hotoda (USA/Japan) conductor
Gene Coleman (USA) sound projection

Filament: The Oscillating Will and the Flickering Self (1998)
Yoshihide Otomo (Japan) guitar, turntables and electronics
Sachiko Matsubara (Japan) sine wave sampler and electronics

Contact: Johannes Odenthal

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