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Compositions by Jin Hi Kim and Giacinto Scelsi
Jin Hi Kim encounters the Kairos Quartet
Admission: 13 €, concessions 10 €
Festival ticket: 65 €, concessions 35 €
modernity, perception, tradition
During her solo set, Jin Hi Kim will be presenting compositions for an acoustic and an electric Komungo in works that document the way she sets traditional elements of Korean musical culture in a novel relationship to contemporary Western and improvised music performance.

In the second set, Kim will be joining forces with the Kairos Quartet to play the String Quartet No. 3, by Giacinto Scelsi. Scelsi's works betray significant parallels with Jin Hi Kim's. Ever since the nineteen-fifties, Scelsi, who is heavily influenced by Asian music traditions and philosophy, has been working with a very restricted number of pitches and scales. This motif of reducing tonal differences, allows him to devote greater attention to other musical and tonal qualities, such as tonal colour and rhythmic structure.

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