deutsche Version
Off the Silk Road. Art and Culture from Central Asia
Old and New Myths on the Silk Road

Published by the House of World Cultures
112 pages, folding brochure, texts in German
30 b/w photos, 32 color photos
ISBN 3-9808851-0-0
now: 5,- Euro (was: 15,- Euro)

The volume is devoted to the countries of Central Asia, which currently face crises that could tear them apart. Renowned authors and researchers, including Jean During, Sherboto Tokombaev, and Philip Meuser, examine current developments in these societies. After abandoning Socialist Realism, the protagonists of contemporary art seek access to global art currents. Over the past decades, Sufi and religious rituals have been preserved
and have resisted every attempt at forced secularization. Shamanistic traditions are being reinterpreted today. Two authors take an excursion through the history of the Soviet gulags in Kazakhstan and discover the unsuspected influence that Stalin’s exiles exerted on the production of Kazakh art. Today’s art business struggles with enormous problems, so the economic prerequisites of artistic creativity are reflected again and again. But precisely the breaks in the Central Asian societies are contributing to the growth of new art forms.

now: 5,- Euro (was: 15,- Euro)