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Off the Silk Road
Art and Culture from Central Asia
Symbols of Power
post-colonialism, desert, transformation, tradition, beauty, post modernity, nature, myth, modernity, marginalisation, power, emptiness, Islam, identity, borderline experience, globalisation, history, remembrance, movement for democracy, bureaucracy, anxiety
Attempts at Orientation
Artists and Personalities
Culture or Business

Central Asia Sabine Vogel
Central Asia 2001 Sabine Vogel
On the relation of power and art and on the reification of power in public space

Text Jean During
The Pressure of Colonialism
Text Larissa Pletnikova und Dana Safarova
Art in the Gulag
Text Philipp Meuser
From Oriental Pre-Fab High Rises to Symbiotic City
Text Marcus Bensmann
Building Myths by Law