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Circle of Friends

There is an ever-growing need to enter into a lively dialogue with foreign cultures and to get to know the values and traditions of others.

Since 1989, the House of World Cultures has been serving this dialogue as a meeting forum with artists and scientists from Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America. Its interest is focussed on present-day situations and problems, along with the contemporary arts.

The House resides in the former Congress Hall in Berlin, a world-famous symbol of the city built in 1957 with funds from the Benjamin Franklin Foundation in its central park, the Tiergarten. A whole multitude of exhibitions, films, readings, concerts, dance, theatre, lectures and symposia are presented in the building.

These events help improve the mutual understanding between Germany and the countries outside Europe - a key factor for a successful common future within the process of globalisation.

Inwardly, they make a contribution which allows the coming together of people from various cultures in Germany and Berlin to be experienced as enrichment.

The House of World Cultures is supported by the city-state of Berlin and by the German government. It has quickly achieved considerable international reputation and attracted a wide audience: with more than 250,000 people visiting the events each year.

The Circle of Friends - House of World Cultures has joined together with the aim of actively supporting this dialogue with non-European cultures.

The association's members support this in an ideational, communicative and financial manner. They support the House in exchanging experience and information with business enterprises, and with cultural, scientific and political institutions in Germany, Europe, and the respective countries of origin of its guests.

The members of the Circle of Friends help improve the financial base of the House of World Cultures through their own contributions and through active recommendation. They support the House's events and help shape its programme in discussions with the management.

Both the Circle of Friends and the House of World Cultures will happily provide any further information required.

If you should decide to become a member, please fill out the attached declaration of membership and send it to:

Verein der Freunde - Haus der Kulturen der Welt
(Circle of Friends - House of World Cultures)
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin

Telephone: ++49 (0)30 - 31 57 57-0
Fax: ++49 (0)30 - 31 57 57-99

Circle of Friends - House of World Cultures
(Verein der Freunde - Haus der Kulturen der Welt e.V.)

I would like to join the Circle of Friends - House of World Cultures
(Haus der Kulturen der Welt e.V.)
The membership fee is 30 € per year, and the minimum contribution for
supporting members is 150 €.

I would hereby like to apply for