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Comments on the House of the World Cultures

Here, cultural exchange is not a fashionable code, but lived practice.
Anja Osswald, Zitty 03/02

The House of World Cultures is one of the most important cultural institutions in Berlin. When we say that Germany has to become more international, then the House of World Cultures is doing real pioneering work.
Gerhard Schröder, 3 May 2001

By bringing in contemporary culture and arts from different races and cities all over the world to Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt indeed broadens Berlin´s horizon to a great extent
(Indem das Haus der Kulturen der Welt zeitgenössische Kultur verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen und aus Städten der ganzen Welt nach Berlin holt, erweitert es ohne Zweifel den Berliner Horizont.)
Hung Chit, Ta Kung Pao Newspaper Hongkong, 2000

As an meeting place in a dialogue between cultures, as a bridge between the past and the present, East and West, and North and South, the House of World Cultures has provided a stage time and time again for those artists in particular who are forced to work in exile.”
Rainer Bratfisch, Die Welt, 6.September 1999

The House of World Cultures has made a crucial contribution towards people saying the word culture in the plural, without having to think twice about it.Harald Jähner, Berliner Zeitung, 4-5 September 1999

A three-dimensional WebPage of the House of World Cultures.
Michael Naumann, 4 September 1999

In this momentous age of transition, the House of World Cultures - like Berlin itself - is becoming a meeting place for dialogues between cultures, a bridge between the past and the present, East and West, North and South.
Homi K. Bhahba, 4 September 1999

The House… has not only been successful as an importer of non-European culture – it has also managed to become a successful exporter too.
Sven Felix Kellerhof, Berliner Morgenpost, 3 September 1999

[These are]… not folklore shows tailored to the wishes of tourists but excellent performances from a variety of cultural fields…
Ulrich Clewing, die tageszeitung, 3 September 1999

The House of World Cultures seeks… dialogue at eye level
Barbara-Ann Riek, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 3 September 1999

The House of World Cultures not only has a vast wealth of experience in performing international cultural work, it has also become an interface in a global cultural network. Any further internationalisation of Berlin will have to proceed from such achievements if the city is to avoid placing all its bets on the ephemeral successes of a short-lived festival culture. Klaus Altmann-Dangelat, Nordbayerischer Kurier, 3 August 1999

A fascinating dialogue of cultural trends
Matthias Wegner, Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 23 June 1999

And the ideal place for an intercultural exchange? … One really ought to add – yet again – the House of World Cultures in Berlin.

Roman Rohde, Der Tagesspiegel, 28 January 1998

The activities of the House of World Cultures are not only restricted to its hometown of Berlin, its programmes are also offered to other organisations and held in high esteem throughout Germany.
Nadya Gutiérrez A., Presencia, 19 July 1996

The only venue where the German public can see international culture is now celebrating its fifth anniversary: the House of World Cultures in Berlin. The tasks of the 1990s and the coming millennium call for open-mindedness and intercultural competence of the kind promoted, cultivated and practised by the House of World Cultures.
Saludos Amigos, DW 3/1994

The most important Goethe Institute is in Berlin: the House of World Cultures
Wolf Lepenies, Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch 1/96

The House of World Cultures is a venue offering cultural associations space for their own activities. Particular attention is given to events that bring communities together.
Ed Ward, checkpoint, 10/1994

The House of World Cultures is not interested in producing synthesised world culture, but in presenting ethnic minorities in dominant national cultures. Considering the transformations taking place within Europe, politicians should pay close attention to such enterprises …
Axel Witte, Frankfurter Rundschau, 13 November 1990

Its interdisciplinary approach allows it to present new perspectives. Why not throw a little desert sand into the generally smoothly running wheels of the culture industry?
Rüdiger Schaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1 June 1989

For an ever-greater number of people, the House of World Cultures has become a kind of oxygen tent where they can escape the intellectual suffocation experienced between the walls of an isolated occidental culture.
Ahmed Ezzeldin