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Press releases

DisORIENTation - Press Conference Invitation
Contemporary Arab Artists from the Middle East
20 March – 11 May 2003
Press Conference Invitation
>>> Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 11am
>>> House of World Cultures

In Beirut and Cairo, but also in Palestine, Jordan and Syria, a young art scene has grown up within the last few years that is receiving increasing attention internationally. These intellectuals and artists are not part of the official culture promoted for their countries' prestige. Rather, they have fought and won an independent sphere in the face of censorship and national and religious labels – and which they have prevented the West from annexing. In this sensitive area of encounters and demarcations, DisORIENTation was brought into being in close co-operation between experts on the region and the House of World Cultures in Berlin. The programme is intended as an experimental forum and is therefore concentrated on new productions, largely in the fine arts and performing arts. In panel discussions and workshops, the artists offer insights into the situations in which they live and work.

You are cordially invited to the press conference on Tuesday, 11th March 2003 at 11 a.m. in the House of World Cultures. Hans-Georg Knopp (Indendant of the House of World Cultures), Johannes Odenthal (Project Director of DisORIENTation) and Sven Arnold (Programme Co-ordinator for Literature and Humanities) will present the programme. They will be accompanied by two of the artists invited, Ahmed El Attar, a theatre director from Cairo and Wael Khoudai, a rap star from Beirut.
In addition, we would like to remind you that on Wednesday, 19th March at 12 a.m. in the House of World Cultures, there will be a press preview of the exhibition DisORIENTation with a guided tour by the Curator, Jack Persekian (East Jerusalem).

We look forward to seeing you.

Please confirm your attendance by phoning us on (030) 397 87 196 or by sending us an e-mail to

Press relations: House of World Cultures, Press Office, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin
Christine Regus. Tel.: ++49 30 397 87 -153, Fax: ++49 30 3948679,
Contact for literature and conferences: Petra Stegmann. Tel.: ++49 30 39787–291, Fax ++49 30 3948679,