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Press releases


Frau Kwon Yang-suk, the wife of the president of the Korean Republic, is visiting the House of World Cultures on Tuesday, 12 April 2005 at 10.30 a.m. After being officially welcomed by Hans-Georg Knopp, the Director of the House of World Cultures, the “First Lady” will retire with him and other representatives of Berlin cultural establishments to discuss the success of the German-Korean cultural exchange project and future projects. Her visit will end with a guided tour of the exhibition ABOUT BEAUTY, in which the Korean artist, Nam June Paik (among others), is represented with his work “Moon is the Oldest Television”.
Her visit to the House of World Cultures, the only official cultural visit during her four-day stay in Berlin, is taking place under the sign of Korea Year in Germany in which the Berlin Asian Pacific Festival 2005 will play an important role. Korea will be the focus of a two-week festival due to be opened by the German President Horst Köhler on 19 September. The cultural programme of the Asian Pacific Festival 2005 was devised and co-ordinated by the House of World Cultures, commissioned by the Berlin Senate.
Photographers are invited to attend the official welcome at 10.30 a.m. If you are interested, please obtain accreditation from the House of World Cultures. Should you have any questions please contact the Press and Cultural Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Tel. 030 – 269 520.

On 21 June 2005 there will be a press conference at the House of World Cultures offering extensive information on the cultural programme of the Asian Pacific Festival 2005.