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Press releases


The "Festival of Discovery": IN TRANSIT presents the latest developments in contemporary dance, theatre and music from all over the world. From 2 to 18 June, the House of World Cultures is staging sixty-one performances – including eight world and European premières - from fourteen different countries in seventeen days.

The fourth IN TRANSIT international performing arts festival in the House of World Cultures has taken the notion of innovation to heart - offering an expanded music programme, with Chinese composer Liu Sola joining the curatorial team of West-African-French dancer and choreographer Koffi Kôkô and the House of World Cultures' Johannes Odenthal. For IN TRANSIT, she has arranged her own concert series with top-class musicians who work with different genres, including Sussan Deyhim, the "Ensemble Modern", and John Zorn.

IN TRANSIT 05 opens with a spotlight on the Japanese dance scene, which has brought forth a unique, innovative and as yet hardly recognised modern dance language: post-Butoh and parallel developments in Europe. The festival will be opened by the young group Leni Basso from Tokyo, who brilliantly combine new media and dance. They are followed by Akira Kasai and Yamada Un, who will be playing three Japanese pieces.

Other highlights are the five decidedly political works from Africa, a performance by Russia’s first contemporary dance company led by choreographer Olga Pona, and the latest production by Mexican director Claudio Valdés-Kuri, co-produced by the Vienna Festival and the HKW. With his sensitive modern interpretation of the legend of Joan of Arc he succeeds (like the Indonesian Garage Theatre with their epic piece Waktu Batu) in making the present visible in past events, and in showing parallels between mythologies spun around the foundation of nations and communities on the one hand, and modernities in the age of globalisation on the other. The Indonesian Garage Theatre addresses similar themes in their epic piece Waktu Batu.
In 2005, many of IN TRANSIT’s performers will be thematising the changes in the meaning of home, and the constructs of nation and identity in an age of transition.
In addition to the fifteen dance, four theatre and five music productions, IN TRANSIT will be presenting countless talks with artists, two conferences on dance in Japan and Africa, and the Ballroom by Night.

Tickets: 030–39787-175 (Mon. 10 a.m - 6 p.m., Tues-Sun 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.), advance bookings from 2 May 2005
Admission: 13/10 Euro; reduced rates 10/8 Euro
Admission free: Conference 1+2 / Ballroom1-6 / Specials/Foyer: MANDALA, LE FESTIVAL DES MENSONGES, YA BISO