deutsche Version
Contemporary Arab Artists from the Middle East
Picture Gallery
Intifada, Islam, desert, identity, remembrance, violence
Writing as an autobiography of the soul
Is writing an adequate alternative to despair?

Procreation and Ambivalence
A Sky so Close
The Jordanian Desert
Bedouin, satellite dishes and mirrors of stone

Paths through Literature and Exile
Thoughts on Music from the Orient
Imagining a Different Future
A Diary of Disorientation: Part 1
A Diary of Disorientation: Part 2
Jumana Emil Abboud, Arabic pins & swiss cups
Jananne Al Ani, Still from Reel (Video)
Akram Zaatari/ Walid Raad, Soussi Index Books
Akram Zaatari/ Walid Raad, Mapping Sitting
Bernard Khoury
Yousry Nasrallah, "El Medina"
Oussama Mohammed, "Sacrifices"
Ghassa Salhab, "Beyrouth Fantôme"
Elia Suleiman, "Divine Intervention"
Azza Al Hassan
Abla Khoury
Lara Baladi, Satelite Dish
Kamilya Jubran, Mahattaat
Wael Kodeih, Aks' ser
Ahmet El Attar