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sacred music
Festival of Sacred Music
Lotfi Bouchnak & Ensemble, Tunisia
“The 99 Names of God”
Admission: 13 EUR, discounted 10 EUR, Festivalpass (all concerts) 50 EUR
Islam, remembrance, tradition
“When one begins to ask oneself life’s great questions, the paths into the past are just as important as those into the future,” says Lotfi Bouchnak. Renowned far beyond the Middle East for his extraordinary voice and talent for improvisation, in “The 99 Names of God” the artist continues to explore the pan-Islamic heritage which serves him as a creative springboard and as a key to past times.

Giving new life to long-forgotten texts, Lotfi Bouchnak has long since established himself as a cultivator of Islamic vocal culture. His months of research on the 99 names of God, which illuminate all the facets of the piece, make the music into a sensual experience; for believers it is a chance to experience a more intense connection to God. In this sense, the program is also an attempt to touch on the searching philosophical questions which have always fascinated Bouchnak.

This year the House of World Cultures brought out a CD with recordings from an earlier concert

Contact: Johannes Odenthal

Link Lotfi Bouchnak - French Website