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Press releases

Creativity, Crisis and Criticism

Creativity, Crisis, and Criticism

Contemporary Arab Artists from the Middle East
Press Release
Creativity, Crisis and Criticism
Conditions of Artistic Production in the Arab World
>>>Saturday, April 5, 2003, 2-7 p.m.
>>>Arab, English and German with translation
>>>Free admission

The symposium Creativity, Crisis and Criticism touches on one of the core issues of DisORIENTation – Contemporary Arab Artists from the Middle East and thematizes the working conditions for artists from the region and the Diaspora, artists whose work is always subject to political interpretation. In the first panel the painter and journalist Kamal Boullata, the film director Akram Zaatari, the video artist Jalal Toufic and the writer Amjad Nasser discuss the connection between politics and aesthetics. The following podium discussion brings together the gallery owner William Wells, the theatre director Awni Karoumi, the theatre critic Nehad Selaiha and Jack Persekian, gallery owner and curator of the exhibit DisORIENTation, for a discussion on society’s recognition of creativity and criticism.

Please note: on Sunday, April 6, at 4 p.m. the writer Amjad Nasser will read in the House of World Cultures from the essay The Jordanian Desert. Bedouins, Satellite Dishes and Stone Mirrors, which he wrote after his recent trip to his homeland of Jordan. Arab and German with translation. Admission 4 EUR, reduced 2.50 EUR

Full Program
Creativity, Crisis and Criticism
Conditions of Artistic Production in the Arab World
>>>Saturday, April 5 2003, 2-7 p.m.

2-4:30 p.m.
Podium discussion
Politics and Aesthetics – Toward a Political Context for Art and Artists
Kamal Boullata, painter and journalist, Menton/Jerusalem
Akram Zaatari, film director, artist, Beirut
Jalal Toufic, video artist, journalist, Beirut
Amjad Nasser, writer, culture editor of the daily Al-Quds al-Arabi, London/Amman
Moderator: Viola Shafik, film director, professor AUC, Cairo

5-7 p.m.
Podium discussion
Creativity and Criticism – Its Recognition by Society
William Wells, owner, Townhouse Gallery, Cairo
Jack Persekian, curator of the DisORIENTation exhibit, gallery owner, director of the Al-Ma´mal Foundation of Contemporary Art, Jerusalem
Awni Karoumi, theatre director, Berlin/Baghdad
Nehad Seleiha, theatre critic for Al-Ahram Weekly, Professor at the Art Academy in Cairo
Moderator: Sabine Vogel, journalist, Berlin

For further information and detailed press materials:
Petra Stegmann, telephone: 030-397 87 291, fax: 030 - 397 87 159, e-mail:
House of World Cultures, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin