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Press releases


I Saw Bagdad

Betool Khedairi and Hussain Al-Mozany
Moderation: Peter Wien (Berlin)

>>>Tuesday, April 1 2003, 7 p.m.
>>>The House of World Cultures
>>>Arab and German with translation
>>>Admission 4 EUR, reduced 2.50 EUR

The reading “I Saw Baghdad” centres on the literary recollection of the city the world is now watching. Two Iraqi authors, Betool Khedairi and Hussain Al-Mozany, will give readings as part of the series DisORIENTation – Contemporary Arab Artists from the Middle East in the House of World Cultures (opening of DisORIENTation, March 20, at 7:30 p.m.).
Mansur or the Scent of the Occident, by Hussain Al-Mozany, is a picaresque novel whose protagonist deserts in the Iran-Iraq war and demands German citizenship as the supposed descendent of a crusader. This is the start of an odyssey through genetic tests and psychological examinations that are meant to determine Mansur’s “German” descent...
Betool Khedairi’s first novel A Sky So Close, which has been translated into English but not into German, tells the tale of a girl who grows up in an Iraqi-British family in Baghdad. Confronted with the daily conflicts her parents experience due to their different cultural backgrounds, the girl is forced to seek her own place in her parents’ contrary worlds.
Betool Khedairi was born in Baghdad 1965 to an Iraqi father and a British mother. After working in the food industry, she established herself as a writer and translator in Aman, Jordan. Hussain Al-Mozany, born in 1954 in Amarah (Iraq), lives in Cologne as a writer and translator. “Mansur oder der Duft des Abendlandes” (Mansur or the Scent of the Orient) is the second novel he has written in German.
For further information please contact:
The House of World Cultures, Petra Stegmann, telephone: 030-397 87 291, fax: 030 - 397 87 159, e-mail: